I am pleased with the job. I find your staff very friendly and professional.
Contact Number:
Postal Code:
Approx. Square Footage:
Number of Bedrooms:1234567
Number of Bathrooms:1234567
How often do you require the property cleaned?Twice weeklyWeeklyBi weeklyMonthlyOne time spring clean
Currently Cleaning Level:Use a cleaning serviceDo it yourself regularlyDo it yourself when time permitsDon't have time to do it
Furnishing Level: VacantUnfurnishedSparsely furnishedModerately furnishedHeavily furnished
Anything unusual about your home that we should know?
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Preferred Contact: TelephoneEmail
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Hotmail & Yahoo users, please check your "JUNK" and/or "SPAM" mail boxes as sometimes our quote will arrive there. Alternatively, please add enquiries@greencleaners.asia to your address book or safe sender.
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Where did you hear about Green Cleaners?
Green Office Cleaning ServicesGreen Carpet Cleaning ServicesEnvironmentally Responsible Operational Planning & FMBespoke Facilities and Outsourced StaffGreen Cleaning TrainingPromotion Campaigns & Eco Awareness